Welcome to the Recording of the Pelvic Floor Relaxation Workshop!
You’ll find the recording of the live workshop below as well as some useful resources at the bottom of the page!
Other Useful Resources to Accompany the Workshop:
Here are a couple Podcast episode links related to the workshop that you might appreciate as well:
Episode #3 - What happens at a pelvic floor physiotherapy appointment
This was a great question asked in the live Q&A (not included in recording for privacy purposes)Episode #4 - What an assessment and program with a pre/postnatal fitness coach looks like
What it would be like to work with me!Episode #6 - To Kegel or not to Kegel
LOTS of talk on Kegels in the workshop!Episode #24 - 6 ways to relax the pelvic floor
More info that will compliment the section talking about mobility/ relaxation!Episode #28 - Should I contract my pelvic floor to 100% with exercise?
Answering a question I get often re: kegels and exercise
Episode #48 - Are you over-activating your pelvic floor, core and glutes?
Incorporate the learning from this workshop into strength training/ exercise